BANGLADESH > Record Net FDI in Bangladesh in FY 2015-16. Amount touches US$ 2 Billion
Record Net FDI in Bangladesh in FY 2015-16. Amount touches US$ 2 Billion for the first time
According to the latest statistics reported by the Bangladesh Bank, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) touched US$ 2 Billion mark in the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 for the first time. Fiscal year in Bangladesh runs between July to June.
The figure US$ 2.001 Billion is a 9.34% increase compared to the same period last fiscal year (2015) which recorded a Net FDI of US$ 1.83 Billion.
See our earlier article that features 10 global companies that contributed to almost half of FDI in the 1st quarter.
10 Global Companies Contribute Almost Half of Bangladesh’s Inbound FDI in 1st Qtr 2016